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Summer School Courses

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Courses marked in YELLOW are not available this summer. 

  • English 9 (H)
  • English 10 (H)
  • English 11 (H)
  • Creative Writing
  • Journalism 1A:  Introduction
  • Journalism 1B:  Investigating the Truth
  • Algebra 1A
  • Algebra 1B
  • Algebra 2A
  • Algebra 2B (H)
  • Geometry (H)
  • Consumer Math
  • Statistics
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Physical Science (H)
  • Biology (H) 
  • Chemistry (H)
  • Environmental Science
  • Earth and Space Science 
  • Spanish 1
  • Spanish 2
  • Spanish 3
  • Spanish 4
  • World History
  • US History
  • History of the Holocaust
  • Personal Finance - 9 weeks
  • Economics - 9 weeks
  • Government - 9 weeks
  • Psychology
  • Wellness – (Personal Fitness)
  • Physical Education - 9 weeks (Fitness Lifestyle Design)
  • Art in World Cultures 
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Art History
  • Digital Photography 1
  • Digital Photography 2
  • Theater, Cinema and Film Production 1A
  • Theater, Cinema and Film Production 1B
  • Lord of the Rings:  An Exploration of the Films and Their Literary Influences
  • Mythology and Folklore:  Legendary Tales
  • High School Ukelele 1A
  • High School Ukelele 1B
  • High School Guitar 1A
  • High School Guitar 1B
  • High School Guitar 2A
  • High School Guitar 2B
  • Career Discovery – 9-weeks
  • Workplace and Internship Readiness (Work Based Learning) Seniors Only
  • Introduction to Business and Marketing
  • Business Communications
  • Business Management
  • Health Science Education
  • Medical Terminology
  • Medical Diagnostics
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Nursing Education
  • Agriscience 
  • Veterinary Science
  • Principles of Plant Science and Hydroculture
  • Criminal Justice 1
  • Criminal Justice 2
  • Criminal Justice 3 
  • Digital Arts 1
  • Digital Arts 2
  • Digital Arts 3
  • Principles of Engineering
  • Engineering Design 1
  • Engineering Design 2
  • Culinary Arts 1
  • Culinary Arts 2
  • Culinary Arts 3