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Grading Procedures

An attempt is made at all times to evaluate, in the best possible manner, the progress of students. Each school year is divided into two terms (semesters). Each term consists of two grading periods (each period lasting 9 weeks). All iLearn grades will be available on Genius, the iLearn Institute’s Student Information System.  

The grading system for Lenoir City Schools is expressed in the following manner:                

  • A (90-100) The student is exceeding the demands of the teacher. Student's work is on time and of superior quality. It shows mastery of the subject matter. The student has the ability to complete each assignment and has a positive influence on the class.
  • B (80- 89) The work is of a superior nature and the required work is well done. The student meets the demands of the teacher and exerts a positive influence on the class.                
  • C (70- 79) The required work is done in a satisfactory manner. It is on time and of average quality. The student is showing achievement.
  • D (60- 69) The student is not doing all the assigned work, is dependent on others, and is inconsistent. Work is below average but shows some evidence of progress.
  • F (Below 59) The work is unsatisfactory with little progress taking place. The student displays a lack of interest and attention and has irregular attendance.

For classes with an End-of-Course (EOC) exam, this exam counts 15% of the final semester average.

Resubmissions of work to better a student’s average grade

  • It is iLearn policy that students get one retry on any assignment in which they would like to better their grade. If a student does not complete an assignment by the due date, he or she will have five days to replace the zero with a grade. 

  • Students who completed the initial assignment but feel they could have performed better on the assignment can also request a retry from the teacher.  All of our teachers will grant one retry per assignment if the student requests it.  

  • If a student would like to resubmit an assignment for a better grade or to make up a zero, they will have five days after they submit the original assignment to complete the retake.  After the five day period, students may not go back and make the grade up or request a retry.  

Make-Up Work Policy

  • An attempt should be made to make-up work within 5 (five) days after returning to school.                            
  • Requesting make-up work is the responsibility of the student.    
  • All students participating in a field trip must have all current teachers sign-off on their participation. Students with failing grades or multiple absences may be denied permission to go on a field trip.

Course Failure and Repeat of Course for Credit

 Students are permitted to retake a course through credit recovery with an earned grade of F as long as the grade was at least a 50. Upon successfully completing the credit recovery course, the student will be awarded a 70 for the final course average.