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Academic Integrity Policy

The iLearn Institute at Lenoir City Schools regards academic honesty as a cornerstone of its educational mission.  It is expected that all work submitted for the purpose of meeting course requirements will represent the original efforts of the individual student.  This includes, but is not limited to test taking, homework, math computation, class assignments, and the original creation of essays, compositions, poetry, term papers and research.  

 All work submitted by a student should be a true reflection of that person’s effort and ability.  If this is not the case, then the student has demonstrated unacceptable academic behavior and will be subject to disciplinary action.  Administrators, teachers, students and families are all important contributors to upholding academic integrity in the school learning community.

 Plagiarism is defined as copying/stealing and passing off as one’s own the ideas or words of another, using someone else’s created production without crediting the source, or committing literary theft.  Examples include the following:

  • Turning in a paper retrieved from an Internet source as one’s own
  • Using another student’s work in whole or part and handing it in as one’s own
  • Using information from an encyclopedia, book, textbook, website, database, etc., without citing the source
  • Using another person’s idea, opinion, or theory without citing the source
  • Using facts, statistics, graphs, drawings, pictures, images, sounds or other pieces of information which was found from any source that is not common knowledge, without citing the source
  • Using quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written word without citing the source
  • Paraphrasing (putting into your own words) another person’s unique ideas, spoken or written, without citing the source
  • Submitting math calculations or answers to problems obtained from outside sources
  • Using online translators for global language assignments and assessment

 As the Internet becomes increasingly more accessible and sophisticated, the incidents of plagiarism in submitted student papers and projects have increased.  Many institutions of higher education (post-high school) penalize plagiarism with student expulsion.  Therefore, in the interest of the student’s future education, as well as the school’s part in the personal development of students, iLearn will follow the policy on plagiarism as outlined below:

 A first plagiarism offense will result in:  The teacher will provide written documentation of the plagiarism and will:

  • Discuss the plagiarism issue with the student
  • Contact the school principal to make him/her aware of the situation
  • Contact the parents to inform them of the plagiarism issue
  • The student may be allowed to redo the assignment according to teacher specifications. The student’s grade on the redone assignment will be no higher than a “60%.” Failure to rewrite the assignment will result in a “0” for that assignment.

A second plagiarism offense will result in:  a “0” for the assignment and it may not be redone. The teacher, parents, and student in consultation with the principal may consider additional consequences for the second plagiarism offense.

 A third plagiarism offense will result in a “0” for course and the student will be removed from the course.  Additionally, the teacher, parents, and student in consultation with the principal will determine whether the student may remain enrolled in iLearn.