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Success Stories

  • The iLearn Institute at Lenoir City Schools Graphic Banner
  • Student looking at a computer screen that says identify your topic
  • Male student looking at a history video on a computer
  • Student looking at her macbook

I was really happy to be able to do iLearn. I used to have a very hard time sitting in classes and didn't realize at the time that school was actually making me very anxious. When I switched to iLearn, I was able to have the time to have a part time job which gave me more confidence. I could do my lessons on my own time even if that was late at night or on weekends, and I could break it into smaller portions of time, which really helped. It also helped that I had an order to follow and did things one step at a time instead of managing many due dates and assignments at once. The assignments were all very clear and easy to follow and nothing was too overwhelming. The thing that I liked best was that I felt like I was in charge of school.   – iLearn Student

Our children attended the iLearn Institute at Lenoir City Schools, and we would recommend it to anyone considering homeschooling. We love the advantages of iLearn: flexibility, efficiency, and academic support. As the parent of a student enrolled through the iLearn Institute, you have a direct role in your child’s daily learning. Your children face less of the ridicule and social pressure that often reduces self-esteem and discourages learning. iLearn allows your child to work quicker through a subject that may be easier to them, while spending more time on a subject that may be challenging. The staff and teachers at Lenoir City Schools are always there to answer any questions you or your students may have. They give the students feedback, and are always willing to help when needed. As a parent, I have been very pleased with my family’s iLearn experience.  – iLearn Parent

Our daughter previously was very uncomfortable sitting in class all day. ADD made her fidgety and unfocused and teachers were often very judgemental. Her experience was so negative that she often skipped class or had “sick” days. iLearn gave her the ability to learn when she was most focused which for her was usually in the evening. For her to be able to learn when she chose to made her feel in control and responsible. Although a child with ADD needs to be somewhat motivated to make this a success, the format is perfect for a child with ADD in that everything is sequential and in a listed organized format. She didn’t have to depend on her note taking ability to make sure she had written down daily assignments. I have seen her confidence grow immensely since starting this program plus a huge decrease in her stress level. It is also a huge benefit that parents can track progress and prompt if the student starts to get behind, rather than wait for report cards when it's too late. – iLearn Parent