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Middle School Courses

  • iLearn Middle Grades Banner
  • Language Arts I (Advanced Available)
  • Language Arts II (Advanced Available)
  • Language Arts III (Advanced Available)
  • Mathematics Grade 6 Mathematics (Advanced Available)
  • Grade 7 Mathematics (Advanced Available)
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Comprehensive Science I (Advanced Available)
  • Comprehensive Science II (Advanced Available)
  • Comprehensive Science III (Advanced Available)
  • Civics
  • U.S. History
  • World History
  • Comprehensive PE Grades 6/7
  • Comprehensive PE Grades 7/8
  • Fitness Grade 6
  • Spanish Beginning
  • Middle School Visual Art 1
  • Middle School Visual Art 2
  • Coding 1A and 1B
  • Digital Art and Design
  • Exploring Information Technology
  • Game Design 1A and 1B
  • Middle School Ukelele 1
  • Middle School Ukelele 2
  • Middle School Guitar 1
  • Middle School Guitar 2

7th and 8th grade Middle School Students are also allowed to take the following courses for High School Credit.  These courses would be in addition to their full load of middle school courses.  Additional courses would be limited to one choice each semester.  Course fees of 150.00 per full credit course and 75.00 per half credit course would apply.

  • Wellness
  • World History and Geography
  • Physical Science
  • Spanish 1
  • Spanish 2
  • Drawing and Painting