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iLearn institute Associated Costs

The iLearn Institute is a public, tuition-free school. However, there are some expenses associated with enrollment. 

  • All students are required to purchase chromebook insurance once per year, at a cost of $35. This covers all accidental damage to the device. Any damage to the chromebook charger is also covered by this insurance policy, but lost chargers must be replaced by the student at the cost of their device’s charger (currently $30).
  • Additionally, the iLearn Institute provides all students and families a license for Genius, the iLearn Student Information System. Genius allows students to access all of their classes across three platforms in one place; parents can also check students’ grades via Genius Observer Accounts. This yearly license is $40 per school year for full time students, or $8 dollars per course for part-time students.
  • The iLearn Institute offers additional courses during the summer for students who wish to work ahead.  Optional summer school course costs vary from year to year; currently, a full-credit course is $158, and a half-credit course is $83.