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Academic Progress

Because the iLearn Institute is a school of choice, and no one is required to enroll, we expect students to maintain sufficient academic progress. If a student’s grade drops to below passing in any class in any semester, he or she will be put on academic or behavioral probation beginning immediately following the decision of the iLearn administrator. If the student fails a class while on academic or behavioral probation, fails to make sufficient progress in his or her classwork, or fails to meet the requirements of the academic or behavioral probation contract, the student may be removed from iLearn. This is done to ensure that students stay on track to graduate. It also ensures that students are in the best learning environment for their specific needs; if students are failing multiple classes, then the virtual program is likely not the best learning environment for that student. Students placed on academic or behavioral probation must:

  • Attend weekly meetings with instructors
  • Participate in mandatory tutoring sessions, either virtually or in person
  • Fulfill all attendance requirements for virtual school
  • Have no missing assignments
  • Maintain a grade point average of 2.5, and/or earn a passing grade in all courses.